Research Associates

  • Dr. Simona Adinolfi
    Simona Adinolfi is a postdoctoral Research Associate in the MeDiMi sub-project “Dehumanizing, Victimizing, or Universalizing? How Images of Migration Interact with Human Rights Discourse”. She holds a PhD in Literary Studies from Ghent University (Belgium).
  • Maximilian Aigner, M.A.
    Maximilian Aigner is Scientific Officer of the Research Group MeDiMi. He is responsible for the coordination and management of the Research Group. Closely collaborating with the project leaders, his activities include the planning and implementation of internal meetings and public events, the development of concepts for science transfer, and MeDiMi’s public relations.
  • Anna Arden, LL.M.
    Anna Arden is a Research Associate and PhD candidate in the MeDiMi project “Territoriality, Public Authority, and Human Rights: the Border Regimes of the EU”. In her research, she addresses the legal regime of European airports as a specific type of EU external border.
  • Mónica Ávila Currás, LL.M.
    Mónica Ávila Currás is a Research Associate and doctoral candidate in the MeDiMi project “Who is empowered by Strasbourg? Migrants and States before the ECtHR”. She is currently working on her PhD thesis “Joining Forces on Migration? A Systematic Analysis of European States’ Third-party Interventions before the ECtHR” at the Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
  • Slađana Branković, M.A.
    Slađana Branković is a PhD candidate at the Chair of Sociology of Culture and Migration, Goethe University Frankfurt, and Research Associate in the MeDiMi project “Human Rights Discourse in Political Protests of Refugees and Undocumented Migrants in Germany and the US”. Branković holds an MA in Cultural and Gender Studies from the University of Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Dr. Benjamin Bunk
    Benjamin Bunk is a postdoctoral researcher in the MeDiMi project “Human Rights as Reference Point of Professional Ethics for Social-Educational Practice in Migration Societies”. He completed his dissertation on “Self-formation in Social Movements” at Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
  • Maria Hartmann, M.A.
    Maria Hartmann is a Research Associate and PhD fellow in the MeDiMi project “Human Rights Crimes, Norm Entrepreneurs, and the Implementation of the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction in Germany”. Maria has studied sociology and conflict studies at the University of Marburg and in Turkey. Starting in 2017, she worked for several years in Berlin as a project manager for the human rights organization Adopt a Revolution on the Syrian conflict.
  • Dr. Laura Holderied
    Laura Holderied is a postdoctoral researcher in MeDiMi’s coordination project in which she contributes to synthesizing the research of the group and to the overall project’s theory building. Hereby, she is particularly interested in the politics and politicization of human rights and the production of inclusions/exclusions in migration societies.
  • Dr. Mina Ibrahim
    Mina Ibrahim is an anthropologist and archivist from Cairo (Egypt). He is a postdoctoral researcher in the MeDiMi project “Human Rights Crimes, Norm Entrepreneurs, and the Implementation of the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction in Germany”.
  • Tasnim Jabaly, M.A.
    Tasnim Jabaly is a Research Associate and PhD candidate at the Institute for Sociology and member of the Center for Conflict Studies at the University of Marburg. She is conducting research in the MeDiMi project “Doing Human Rights: How the Categories of ‘Human’ and ‘Migrant’ Are Made (Ir-)Relevant in Everyday Life”.
  • Mariana Karkoutly, M.A.
    Mariana Karkoutly is a PhD fellow and associated researcher in the MeDiMi project on “Human Rights Crimes, Norm Entrepreneurs, and the Implementation of the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction in Germany”.
  • Adriana Kessler, LL.M.
    Adriana Kessler is a Research Associate and PhD candidate in the MeDiMi project “Human Rights Transformations of German Migration Law”. In her research, she addresses legal interventions of NGOs in the field of German migration law in legislation and jurisprudence.
  • Jessica Klüger, LL.M.
    Jessica Klüger is a Research Associate in the MeDiMi project “Who is Empowered by Strasbourg? Migrants and States before the ECtHR”. She is a PhD candidate at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Justus Liebig University Giessen (co-tutelle). In her research, she addresses the litigation of governments at the European Convention System concerning the two sole rights exclusively designed to protect migrants, both from expulsion practices.
  • Carl Eberhard Kraatz, M.A.
    Carl Eberhard Kraatz is a Research Associate and PhD candidate in the MeDiMi project “Human Rights as Reference Point of Professional Ethics for Social-Educational Practice in Migration Societies”. In his doctoral project, he investigates processes of pedagogical professionalization in different fields of work.
  • Maik Paap, M.A.
    Maik Paap is a Research Associate and PhD candidate in the MeDiMi project “Migration and the Humanrightization of ‘Health’: Paradigms, Practices, and Conflicts”. He works primarily on discourses of human rights and migration in international organizations, with a focus on UN organizations.
  • Dr. Sofía Reca Milanta
    Sofía Reca Milanta is a postdoctoral researcher in the MeDiMi project “Systemic Deficiencies in the System of Protecting the Human Rights of Migrants: the Inter-American and the European Court of Human Rights in Comparison”. She focuses primarily on the protection of human rights within the Inter-American System, international courts, and structural litigation.
  • Dr. Giulia Santomauro
    Giulia Santomauro is a post-doctoral researcher in constitutional law at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa and an associated researcher in the MeDiMi project “Systemic Deficiencies in the System of Protecting the Human Rights of Migrants: the Inter-American and the European Court of Human Rights in Comparison”.
  • Sebastian Weste, M.A.
    Sebastian Weste is a Research Associate and PhD candidate at the Institute for Sociology and a member of the Center for Conflict Studies at the University of Marburg. He is conducting research in the MeDiMi project “Doing Human Rights: How the Categories of ‘Human’ and ‘Migrant’ Are Made (Ir-)Relevant in Everyday Life”.
  • Leon Züllig, LL.M.
    Leon Züllig is a Research Associate and doctoral candidate in the MeDiMi project “Territoriality, Public Authority, and Rights: the Border Regimes of the EU”. In his doctoral project, he focuses on the legal regime of the EU’s internal borders and aims to understand, among other things, the scope, forms, and consequences of the expansion of fundamental and human rights within this legal regime.