Anna Arden, LL.M.

Anna Arden is a Research Associate and PhD candidate in the MeDiMi project “Territoriality, Public Authority, and Human Rights: the Border Regimes of the EU”. In her research, she addresses the legal regime of European airports as a specific type of EU external border. Studying this border regime, which is geared towards total control of all mobility processes, makes it possible to address fundamental questions of the relationship between public authority and basic individual rights. Anna has studied law in Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands. After completing a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in Comparative and European Law in Oldenburg/Bremen and San Sebastián (Spain), she specialised in human rights within the Master of Laws (LL.M.) Globalisation and Law offered by Maastricht University. Her master thesis addressed the topic of “Invisibility of Male Victims of Conflict-related Sexual Violence: Insufficient Legal Protection or Discriminatory Implementation?”. Within MeDiMi, she is committed to furthering the networking and collaboration of the Research Associates by establishing and co-leading the Section “Human Rights Discourse in Migration Societies” at the Giessen Graduate Centre for Social Sciences, Business, Economics and Law (GGS). Her research interests lie in the fields of human and fundamental rights, public international and European law, migration law as well as victims’ rights.

