Dr. Laura Holderied

Laura Holderied is a postdoctoral researcher in MeDiMi’s coordination unit where she contributes to synthesizing the research of the group and to the overall project’s theory building. Hereby, she is particularly interested in the politics and politicization of human rights and the production of inclusions/exclusions in migration societies. Prior to that, Laura was a Senior Research Associate at the UN University’s Institute for Environment and Human Security in Bonn. Laura completed her PhD as a stipend-holder in the PhD program “Boundary Formations in Migration Societies” at University of Oldenburg with a dissertation on the role of images in the context of migration and border politics. During her PhD research, between 2019 and 2021, she was a guest researcher at the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen where she also taught in the field of EU migration and border politics. Prior to her PhD, Laura studied European Studies, Political Science, and Transnational Cultural Studies in Bremen and Salamanca (Spain). Laura’s research interests lie at the intersections of (critical) migration and border studies, visual politics, and visual and interpretative international relations. She is particularly interested in social and political conflicts about mobility, rights, and inclusion/exclusion in migration societies and the role of images, visual discourses, and in/visibilities in these struggles. In her research, Laura combines visual methodologies with discourse analysis and narrative interviews. Laura’s research has been published in a Leviathan special issue on Democracy and Migration and in Cooperation and Conflict, among others. Her book “Visual Border Politics. Images and Migration Governance in Europe” is forthcoming (under contract) at Routledge (Interventions Series).

Contact: Laura.Holderied@recht.uni-giessen.de
