Slađana Branković, M.A.

Slađana Branković is a PhD candidate at the Chair of Sociology of Culture and Migration, Goethe University Frankfurt, and Research Associate in the MeDiMi project “Human Rights Discourse in Political Protests of Refugees and Undocumented Migrants in Germany and the US”. Branković holds an MA in Cultural and Gender Studies from the University of Belgrade, Serbia. Their research centers on issues of naturalization of Western sex/gender regimes, marginalization of migrants and BIPoC within trans and intersex movements and communities, and discursive strategies of resistance within different socio-political movements. They are a member of several working groups and networks on migration and de-coloniality, discourse analysis, and gender, trans, and intersex studies. Through their work in the T*I*N-studies WG and different activist collectives, they engage with the subject of marginalization and exploitation of trans and intersex people and migrants in social movements and research. Their research interests lie in the areas of trans, intersex, and queer studies, decolonial theory, critical race studies, migration, discourse analysis, and politics of representation.

