Dr. Laura Borchert

Laura Borchert is a Research Associate (postdoc) in the MeDiMi project “Dehumanizing, Victimizing, or Universalizing? How Images of Migration Interact with Human Rights Discourse”. Laura completed a PhD on the constitutional protection of LGBTQ persons in the U.S. from a cultural studies perspective at the University of Giessen in 2022. Prior to the PhD, Laura studied British and American Studies at Bielefeld University. Laura’s research focuses on the cis-heteronormativity of law from a (queer) cultural studies perspective and the impact of cultural narratives on legal orders, the interplay of cultural and legal history in the U.S., and the increasing polarization of minority rights in cultural and (constitutional) legal discourses. Laura’s interdisciplinary research fields include queer (legal) theory, U.S. American (cultural) studies, critical legal theory, and (intersectional) feminist theory. Within MeDiMi, Laura has been involved as a member of the Steering Committee and as a member of the newly established Section “Human Rights Discourse in Migration Societies” at the Giessen Graduate Centre for Social Sciences, Business, Economics and Law (GGS).

Contact: Laura.Borchert@anglistik.uni-giessen.de
