Louisa Bäckermann, M.Sc.
Louisa Bäckermann is a Research Associate and doctoral candidate in the MeDiMi project “Migration and the Humanrightization of ‘Health’: Paradigms, Practices, and Conflicts”. She focusses primarily on the history of the present of the “right to health” and its role in the context of migration in the relevant UN bodies. Louisa has studied geography in Erlangen and Berlin for her bachelor’s degree and geography (“Global Transformations and Environmental Change”) in Hamburg for her master’s degree. As a Research Assistant, she participated in an urban sociological research project at the University of Duisburg-Essen on appropriation conflicts in social mix-oriented urban development processes. Within this framework, she wrote her master’s thesis on different dimensions of displacement in the context of the German urban development programme “Soziale Stadt” in a Hamburg neighbourhood. Louisa is co-editor and author of the anthology “Corona und Gesellschaft. Soziale Kämpfe in der Pandemie”, with a contribution on the connection between “socio-spatial polarisation” and racist local politics in the context of the pandemic.